Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas magic?

This year, Alex is very interested in Christmas and Santa and what it all means. He understands that presents come from Santa and that baby Jesus was born on Christmas Day.  But I'm just not sure how much of the Christmas magic he's buying into. Take the following conversations for example:

Alex: How can Santa deliver all those presents?
Me: Well, he's Santa, so he's magic.
Alex: What about him is magic?
Me: Well, um...

Alex: Why doesn't Santa set off the alarm when he comes down the chimney?
Me: Well, because the chimney doesn't have the alarm.
Alex: Couldn't anyone come down the chimney then?
Me: Well, um...

So, for now, we are just crossing our fingers and hoping that he can let go of the practical for a minute and just be a kid enjoying Christmas. I do have some hope, for example:

Alex: Can we put Christmas lights outside?
Me: We have lights on the tree inside, we don't need any outside.
Alex: But, I want Santa to know that we're waiting for him.
Me: Well, um...OK!

Here's to a fun and happy Christmas season...full of magic!

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