Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Date night

I went on a great date tonight with my two favorite little boys! Brian was out of town, so we were on our own. We had tacos on the patio at Swanky's and then headed to Muddy's for a dessert cupcake. I think we all had a great time - I know I did!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Alex at work

Alex was off school today for a teacher day, so he came to work with me. He was really excited and couldn't wait to get out the door this morning! He played with all the cool office supplies, built with legos and watched movies. We even walked over to the cafeteria and had lunch with all my coworkers. He may be ready for the real world!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday morning

We had a birthday party downtown on Saturday afternoon, so we decided to hang out downtown in the morning. We went to the Farmer's Market (one of our favorites!) and walked around. They had a building set up, so Alex built a school bus and Reed built a football holder. They had a great time using actual hammers and screwdrivers! Then, of course, we had to have a powdered donut snack. Delicious!

We played at Aunt Christie's apartment for a while and then headed to the Fire Museum for Brady's 3rd birthday. The boys had a great time climbing on the fire truck and ambulance. And they both took a turn on the real fire pole. A fun time!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Swimming and gum

Reed is swimming! Well, Reed is taking swimming lessons with Alex for the first time. He's had a little bit of a hard time staying in the water, but he's getting there. Today, he did some great kicks and only fussed a little bit. Alex, meanwhile, is diving in, swimming across the pool and doing the backstroke. Once Reed goes a few more times, I think they will both love taking lessons together!

On another thing I never really think about is how I learned to chew gum. It's sort of like walking and running, you just know how to do it. But, apparently not. Alex has been very interested in chewing gum for a while and we've just never had the opportunity to give him any. Well, tonight, I was having a piece of juicy fruit and he decided to try it too. He was very unsure about the texture and ending up breaking it into small bites. It all came out before he really chewed it and I'm not sure he really liked it all that much. I think it might be a while before we try that lesson again!

Tiger tailgating

This weekend was the first Tiger home game and we decided to tailgate (even though it was 95 degrees!). The boys did awesome, even with no naps and hot weather. They had a great time eating all the yummy tailgate food, hanging out in the "tiger trailer" and playing some football of their own.

Once we made it to the game, it was a little less hot, and they enjoyed watching Pouncer and the team. They even liked the band - even though it was really loud! I asked Reed if he liked the cheerleaders and he said, "no, girls are yucky!" I thought he was too young for that!

We finally headed home and they passed out, exhausted. I think this was the first time we all tailgated and made the game - definitely fun!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good morning boys!

This is what the boys were doing bright and early at 6:45 a.m. this morning. Gotta love it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Market and Backyard

Alex and Reed were really excited to go to the Botanic Garden Farmer's Market this afternoon. Alex led the way (since he's been there so many times with Grandma) and Reed fell right in line! We looked at lots of fruits and vegetables and treated ourselves to some Italian Ice - yum.

After Italian Ice they HAD TO GO to the bathroom RIGHT NOW. Now, I haven't decided if this was a trick or not because that trip to the bathroom got us much, much closer to My Big Backyard. Since we were soooo close, we couldn't pass it up, now could we? I really think Alex might have had this planned all along. Anyway, we headed over to the children's garden and had a great time. : )

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reed recites the Pledge of Allegiance

I walked in to the den tonight and found this. Reed constructed a podium for himself and was reciting the entire pledge of allegiance. Amazing.

Labor Day

We had a great Labor Day at the lake. In addition to the four of us, Grandma, Pops, Aunt Christie, Kath, Duane, Anna and Craig were all there to celebrate the long weekend.We had a great time playing badminton (hard for little kids!), swimming in the lake and grilling out dinner. The boys even took a boat ride to the playground at the state park for a quick picnic. We ate a lot, got a lot of sun and had a great time. We even had time for a late night dance party - who knew Alex could break dance?!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday night football

The weather was absolutely gorgeous tonight, so we headed over to check out another CBHS game. This time we made it to the alumni dinner for delicious pizza and lasagna. The boys couldn't wait to get to the game, so we had some extra time to walk down and see the band and the cheerleaders. It's amazing how completely entranced they are by everything that goes on at the games. Alex gave the purple wave a big high five and they both really enjoyed their ring pops. We even ran into Nancy and John and had a blast!