Monday, April 13, 2009


Please note the large red gash above Reed's eye. This was our first real "seek medical attention immediately" injury. Reed was climbing along the fireplace as usual, and Brian was telling him not to, as usual. He got down successfully, but took a couple of steps and landed face first on the edge of the brick.

So, we went to the Urgent Care and found out that he didn't need stitches (thank goodness) and that he is a pretty tough little kid. He did great and was flirting with everyone there. We'll keep ointment on it for a few days and it should heal just fine.

On the other hand, Alex was worried sick the whole time Reed and I were gone. He still looked scared when we got back, but when he saw Reed smiling and laughing, he was fine. Such a good big brother!

1 comment:

Roger Cole said...

oh im so glad it wasnt more serious!!! glad is he smiling again!!!!