Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Alex!

Today, Alex is 4 years old. Just four short years ago we were rolling up the sleeves on preemie outfits and begging him to stop screaming. Now he can go to his closet, pick out his own clothes and get dressed all by himself (with a little less screaming, usually!)

He can also run, jump, skip, hop, talk a million words a minute, count to 20 (at least), say the alphabet, write a few letters, draw a circle, color in the lines, sing songs, put his clothes and toys away, watch out for his little brother, ride a bike (with training wheels), ride a scooter, eat with a grown up fork, be silly, tell jokes, laugh and be the best big boy in the whole world.

He's more than a little stubborn and a lot opinionated, but he is the kindest four year old you'll ever meet. He tells me every night, "thank you for making such a delicious dinner, mommy" and is the first one to notice when someone gets a new outfit or haircut. He says please, thank you, and sometimes "yes, ma'am." He smiles and laughs and finds humor in the smallest, silliest things. He gives hugs and kisses before bedtime and calls his brother his "bestest bud forever".

He can make me laugh, he can make me scream, but most of all he makes me proud to be his mom. Here's to many more years of laughing and screaming with ya, kid. Happy Birthday!

And now, a few pictures from his school birthday party today.

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