Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kitty Caroline

We have a kitty! She's actually a stray cat found at my office. She got all cleaned up at the vet, and now she's the newest member of our family!

Alex and Reed absolutely love her, and Ollie is doing great with her as well. Once she's healed from her surgery she will be able to go outside, but for now she's enjoying getting to know us too.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weekend of sports

We had a weekend full of sports - CBHS game Friday night, two soccer games on Saturday, the Memphis Tigers football game and one soccer game on Sunday. Whew! Alex had his first soccer game of the season, and he and Reed both scored their first goals.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day at the lake

We had such a great weekend at the lake. The weather wasn't great, but we made the most of it and had tons of fun anyway. The rest of the Tennessee (and one Mississippi) Johnstons were there and the boys absolutely loved having cousins to play with. Alex and Hunter shot thousands of caps, and Reed and Emma played lots of UNO. The grownups did a lot of eating, relaxing and talking. A great end to a wonderful summer!