Thursday, April 8, 2010

Alex's first purchase

Many, many months ago, Alex started saving money in his piggy bank. As an incentive to keep his bed dry at night, I told him that when he did it for several nights in a row, we could open up his piggy bank and go buy a toy. Well, he's finally keeping dry, and today was the big day. We opened up the piggy bank, and he had six dollars! So we headed off to Target to let him make his first purchase.

He had his money all ready in a ziploc bag, and I taught him how to read the prices. He thought he could get something really, really big for $6, but when he discovered the price of things, we had a long talk about the word "expensive"! We found some cars in his price range and he picked out one for $5. Then, he asked if he had enough money to buy something for Reed, too. We picked out a Hot Wheels for Reed, and we were all set! He paid at the register and brought his bag home. He was very proud and so was I!

When we were going to bed tonight, he said that he as thankful for showing God's love to Reed by buying something for him. Priceless!

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