Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oliver's big adventure

The first "boy" in this house doesn't get much attention on this blog, but this one is all, well mostly, about Ollie. He got to go to the lake this weekend for the first time ever! We weren't sure how he would do since he's pretty neurotic and hyper, but he did great! He went for a long walk, slept in the sun and played outside. In fact, he seemed happier there than he is at home. Maybe he's like the rest of us and is just more relaxed and content at the lake. I really couldn't believe it. Yay for Ollie!

And the other boys had some fun, too. The weather was gorgeous so we played outside, went for a side trip to Savannah and just generally relaxed. We haven't been to the house since Thanksgiving, so we were way overdue for some lake time.

It's funny how easy it is to mark their changes and milestones in terms of "last time we were at the lake house." This time it was letting them play in the yard with us watching from the house, not in the yard with them. Last time, we weren't quite ready to let that happen, but this time it went great. It always reminds me how quickly they are growing up! On the ride back I think they were feeling their new independence and wanted to move their seats to the way back of the van. They definitely felt like big kids way back there!

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