Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas keeps getting better and better. The boys are at the perfect ages this year to really enjoy everything about Christmas - the music, the magic, and the presents!

We kicked off the weekend with Christmas Eve mass followed by my favorite food night of the year - the annual Christmas Eve appetizer extravaganza. As we were leaving Grandma and Pops' house, we heard sleigh bells in the air. The boys could not get into be fast enough after that! We left cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Then they were out like a light!

Christmas morning was super exciting. Alex woke up first and had to wait a whole hour before we woke up Reed at 7. They were so excited to see what Santa left and loved everything! After the excitement of those toys wore off, they opened even more from Moz and Gramps. Then we enjoyed our traditional brunch and my favorite gifts of the year - the "fun" gifts that Alex and Reed pick out for the family. Finally, we headed over to Grandma and Pops' house for more gift giving and getting.

We are so lucky to enjoy such a fun time with family and friends. Merry Christmas!

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