Monday, January 30, 2012

Reed's progress report

Reed got a fantastic mid-year progress report! His teacher, Mrs. Bartlett, is really great and and has been telling us all year how well Reed is doing in class. This report definitely makes me feel better about the decision to send him on to kindergarten. He is ready!!

Night with Grandma and Pops

Brian and I had a party to attend on Saturday night, so the boys had a sleepover with Grandma and Pops. They went out to dinner, learned Sudoku and did a little construction. I think they had a fun time!

Hair with flair

Alex and Reed get their hair cut by Ms. Tracy - the same person who has been cutting Brian's hair for years. She does a fantastic job, but the salon is not exactly kid oriented. It is called Fashion Flair and is very old-school beauty shop.

Brian snapped this picture last week of the boys waiting their turn - lounging in the shampoo chairs reading Nora Roberts. One day they will realize that they are the only little boys there!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reed's first basketball game

Reed had his first ever basketball game last night. He ran the floor, passed the ball and took a few shots. He even had a real block - on a kid a head taller than him. Christie said he was defensive MVP - I agree!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Long weekend

We had a great long MLK weekend. I told someone today that it was just relaxing. I honestly never thought that I would say a weekend with Alex and Reed was relaxing, but it was! We got to sleep in, cook some yummy food and enjoy time with friends. They are getting big enough that it doesn't seem like work - just fun!

On Saturday, Brian cooked some ribs while Alex was at a friend's house and Reed was at Grandma and Pops' house for the morning. After they got home, Alex built a lego version of our house, Brian and the ribs on the grill - pretty realistic!

On Sunday, we enjoyed a fun playtime and dinner with the Brasfields and the Fields. Alex and Reed loved getting out baby toys and "playing" with the babies. Then on Monday, we had some of my co-workers over for more playtime and dinner. The kids got along great and we had a blast!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goodbye 2011

We wrapped up a fantastic 2011 at the lake house with Grandma, Pops and Aunt Christie. We played outside, relaxed, did a mini-fireworks display (can't you tell the boys loved it!) and literally wrapped it up with Twister. Here's to more great things in 2012!