Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Long weekend

We had a great long MLK weekend. I told someone today that it was just relaxing. I honestly never thought that I would say a weekend with Alex and Reed was relaxing, but it was! We got to sleep in, cook some yummy food and enjoy time with friends. They are getting big enough that it doesn't seem like work - just fun!

On Saturday, Brian cooked some ribs while Alex was at a friend's house and Reed was at Grandma and Pops' house for the morning. After they got home, Alex built a lego version of our house, Brian and the ribs on the grill - pretty realistic!

On Sunday, we enjoyed a fun playtime and dinner with the Brasfields and the Fields. Alex and Reed loved getting out baby toys and "playing" with the babies. Then on Monday, we had some of my co-workers over for more playtime and dinner. The kids got along great and we had a blast!

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