Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are they related?

Tonight, I took Alex and Reed out to help me move the sprinkler. I have always done things like that with Alex because he's such a great helper. We do laundry, plant bushes, bake name it, Alex has helped. And now, Reed is getting to the point where he can do some of those things, too.

So, out we went. And into the mud Reed went. Alex, of course, was horrified and kept calling Reed a "disaster," which is a term that I clearly need to stop using to refer to his brother! Reed was not bothered by the whole situation and had a great time playing in the mud, wiping it on his shirt and losing his crocs right in the mud. Sometimes I really wonder how they could be related!

But, my belly is still clean, see???

Ooops...lost a shoe.

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