Friday, May 13, 2011

Zoo field trip

After a full year of fun, Alex's kindergarten class celebrated the end of the year with a zoo field trip. Since we just went to the zoo as a family last weekend, Alex was ready to show the animals to all his friends.

Once we got to the zoo, we split up into our assigned groups. Since this was my first time as a true field trip chaperone, I didn't know what I was in for! I was assigned Alex, Chase and Ward - three of the sweetest boys in the class. Ryan's mom had Ryan, Joey and Zack and we stuck together to tackle the zoo with 6 crazy boys. Between running ahead, climbing up on everything and stomping through all the water puddles, I'm surprised we saw any animals at all! But, we managed to sneak in all the big ones before our fun picnic lunch.

The hands-down favorite were the angry monkeys - these monkeys joked and played with the boys for a long time. They imitated what the boys did and banged on the glass. We had to make several trips back around to visit them before we left.

And even in the hot sun, chasing after boys and running around, I love these things. Seeing the kids have fun and spending a day making memories with my big boy makes me so happy. I am so, so lucky to be able to go on trips like this, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

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